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Kamala Harris is the Vice President of the United States, making history as the first woman, first Black woman, and first South Asian woman to hold the office. A former prosecutor, California Attorney General, and U.S. Senator, she is a prominent figure in the Democratic Party known for her advocacy on civil rights and justice reform.
Strongly supports abortion rights and access to reproductive health care.
Advocates for progressive taxation and increased funding for social services.
Focus on racial justice, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ equality.
Opposes the death penalty; has a mixed record on criminal justice reform.
Supports maintaining military strength with a focus on diplomacy.
Supports marijuana legalization and criminal justice reform.
Advocates for economic equity and supporting small businesses.
Supports expanding access to education, including free college.
Strong advocate for clean energy and climate change action.
Prioritizes environmental justice and climate change mitigation.
Supports rebuilding alliances and focusing on human rights.
Advocates for stricter gun laws, including assault weapon bans.
Supports expanding health care access and Medicare for All.
Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform and DACA protections.
Supports major infrastructure investments to modernize the country.
Supports stronger data privacy protections and regulation of tech giants.
Advocates for expanding veterans' health care and benefits.
  • Honesty: Generally seen as honest, though her record as a prosecutor has been scrutinized.
  • Trustworthiness: Viewed as trustworthy by supporters, but her shifting positions on certain issues have led to skepticism among some voters.
  • Consistency: Criticized for shifts in positions, particularly on criminal justice issues.
  • Follow-Through: As Vice President, her influence is somewhat limited, but she has worked on key initiatives, particularly in civil rights.
  • Accountability: Faces mixed reviews, with some praising her transparency, while others question her handling of criticism and challenges in her role.
  • Historic Candidacy: As the first woman, first Black woman, and first South Asian woman Vice President, she represents a significant step forward in diversity and inclusion.
  • Strong Advocate for Civil Rights: Has a strong record of advocating for civil rights, women’s rights, and criminal justice reform.
  • Proven Leadership: Her experience as a prosecutor, California Attorney General, and U.S. Senator showcases her leadership capabilities.
  • Perceived Lack of Impact: Critics argue that she has struggled to define her role as Vice President and has not significantly impacted major policy areas.
  • Inconsistent Record: Some progressives criticize her record as a prosecutor, arguing that her past positions on criminal justice issues don’t align with her current stances.
  • Public Perception: Polls often show mixed or negative public opinion, with concerns about her electability on a national stage.
Chase Oliver is a Libertarian politician and activist known for his advocacy of limited government, individual liberties, and free-market principles. He gained national attention during the 2022 U.S. Senate race in Georgia, where he forced a runoff by drawing a significant percentage of the vote as a third-party candidate.
Supports the right to choose; believes that the government should not interfere in personal medical decisions.
Advocates for a balanced budget, reducing government spending, and eliminating the national debt through fiscal responsibility and cuts to unnecessary programs.
Strong advocate for individual liberties, including freedom of speech, LGBTQ+ rights, and the protection of privacy; opposes government surveillance and censorship.
Opposes the death penalty and supports criminal justice reform, including ending mandatory minimum sentences and focusing on rehabilitation over punishment.
Advocates for a non-interventionist foreign policy, reducing military spending, and closing overseas military bases; believes in a strong national defense focused on protecting U.S. borders.
Supports the decriminalization of all drugs and the end of the war on drugs; advocates for treating drug addiction as a health issue rather than a criminal one.
Supports free-market principles, reducing regulations, and lowering taxes to stimulate economic growth; opposes government intervention in the economy.
Advocates for school choice, including vouchers and charter schools; opposes federal involvement in education, believing it should be handled at the state and local levels.
Supports energy independence through market-driven solutions; opposes government subsidies for specific energy industries, believing the market should determine the best energy sources.
Believes in protecting the environment through property rights and free-market solutions; opposes heavy government regulation, arguing that innovation and competition will drive environmental progress.
Advocates for a non-interventionist foreign policy, focusing on diplomacy and trade rather than military involvement; supports ending foreign aid and military interventions abroad.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; opposes most forms of gun control, believing that individuals have the right to defend themselves.
Opposes government-run health care systems; advocates for a free-market health care system with less regulation to increase competition and lower costs.
Supports simplifying the legal immigration process and creating a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants; opposes government restrictions on immigration.
Believes infrastructure development should be driven by private investment rather than government spending; supports reducing federal involvement in infrastructure projects.
Advocates for internet freedom and opposes government regulation of the tech industry; supports strong data privacy protections.
Supports reforming the VA to provide better care for veterans; advocates for giving veterans more control over their health care choices, including access to private care.
  • Honesty: Seen as honest and straightforward, with a strong commitment to Libertarian principles.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his supporters for consistently advocating for limited government and personal freedoms.
  • Consistency: Consistent in his Libertarian beliefs, though critics argue that some positions are overly idealistic.
  • Follow-Through: Limited political experience but has demonstrated follow-through in his activism and campaign promises.
  • Accountability: Holds himself accountable to his principles and supporters, though his positions can be polarizing.
  • Strong Libertarian Values: Advocates for personal freedom, limited government, and free markets, appealing to voters who are dissatisfied with the major parties.
  • Consistent Advocacy: Known for consistently promoting Libertarian principles across various issues, providing a clear alternative to mainstream candidates.
  • Appeal to Independents: His emphasis on individual liberties and non-interventionist policies resonates with independent and third-party voters.
  • Electability: As a Libertarian candidate, faces significant challenges in gaining widespread support and winning elections.
  • Idealism vs. Pragmatism: Critics argue that some of his positions, such as those on government spending and foreign policy, are overly idealistic and lack practical solutions.
  • Limited Political Experience: While active in Libertarian circles, his lack of experience in elected office raises questions about his ability to govern effectively.
Jill Stein is an American physician, activist, and former Green Party candidate for President of the United States, having run in 2012 and 2016. She is known for her strong advocacy on environmental issues, social justice, and anti-war policies, often positioning herself as an alternative to the two major political parties.
Strongly supports abortion rights and access to reproductive health care as part of a broader commitment to women's rights.
Advocates for cutting military spending and reallocating funds to social services, education, and environmental programs.
Strong advocate for civil rights, including LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, and voting rights; supports ending mass incarceration.
Opposes the death penalty and supports comprehensive criminal justice reform focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment.
Advocates for drastically reducing military spending, closing overseas military bases, and prioritizing diplomacy and non-violent conflict resolution.
Supports the decriminalization of marijuana, ending the war on drugs, and treating drug addiction as a public health issue.
Advocates for a Green New Deal to create jobs through renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure; opposes austerity measures.
Supports free public education from pre-K through college; advocates for canceling student debt and funding education through progressive taxation.
Strong proponent of transitioning to 100% renewable energy by 2030; opposes fossil fuel extraction and nuclear power.
Environmental protection is central to her platform; advocates for aggressive climate action, conservation, and holding polluters accountable.
Supports a foreign policy based on diplomacy, human rights, and international cooperation; opposes military interventions and arms sales.
Advocates for stronger gun control measures, including universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and addressing root causes of gun violence.
Supports Medicare for All, advocating for a single-payer health care system that provides universal coverage and controls costs.
Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and humane treatment of refugees.
Supports investment in sustainable infrastructure, including public transportation and green energy projects as part of the Green New Deal.
Advocates for net neutrality, data privacy protections, and reducing the influence of big tech companies on politics and society.
Supports improving veterans' health care and benefits, with a focus on mental health, job training, and reintegration into civilian life.
  • Honesty: Generally viewed as honest and principled, with a consistent record of advocating for her values.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by her supporters for her commitment to environmental and social justice issues, though some critics question her stance on certain foreign policy issues.
  • Consistency: Consistent in her progressive views, particularly on environmental and social issues.
  • Follow-Through: While not elected to office, she has maintained a strong activist presence and continues to advocate for the policies she supports.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for her positions and remains active in advocating for them, even outside the political mainstream.
  • Environmental Leadership: A leading voice for environmental protection and climate action, advocating for a transition to renewable energy.
  • Social Justice: Strong commitment to civil rights, social justice, and economic equality, with a focus on marginalized communities.
  • Independent Voice: Positions herself as an alternative to the two major parties, appealing to voters disillusioned with the status quo.
  • Electability: As a third-party candidate, she faces significant challenges in gaining widespread support and achieving electoral success.
  • Controversial Stances: Some of her positions, particularly on foreign policy and vaccines, have been controversial and have drawn criticism from both sides of the political spectrum.
  • Limited Political Experience: While she has a strong background in activism, her lack of experience in elected office raises questions about her ability to implement her policies.
Randall Terry is a pro-life activist and founder of Operation Rescue, a prominent anti-abortion organization. Known for his staunch opposition to abortion and controversial tactics, Terry has run for political office several times, primarily focusing on his anti-abortion platform.
Strongly opposes abortion under all circumstances; advocates for overturning Roe v. Wade and banning abortion nationwide.
Supports reducing government spending, particularly in areas that fund Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide abortions; advocates for a balanced budget.
Focuses primarily on the rights of the unborn; supports religious freedom and opposes same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ rights.
Supports the death penalty for severe crimes, including those involving abortion providers; advocates for strong law-and-order policies.
Advocates for a strong national defense; supports increased military spending to protect U.S. interests and values.
Opposes the legalization of marijuana and other drugs; supports strict drug enforcement policies.
Advocates for free-market principles, reducing government regulation, and lowering taxes; opposes government intervention in the economy.
Supports school choice, including vouchers for private and religious schools; opposes federal involvement in education.
Supports energy independence through the use of fossil fuels and opposes heavy government regulation on the energy sector.
Believes environmental regulation should not impede economic growth; supports deregulation of the energy sector to promote economic development.
Advocates for a strong, interventionist foreign policy that promotes U.S. values and defends against perceived threats to Christian principles.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; opposes any form of gun control, believing it infringes on personal liberties.
Opposes government-run health care systems; advocates for a free-market health care system and opposes any coverage that includes abortion services.
Supports strict immigration controls; advocates for building a border wall and implementing policies to reduce illegal immigration.
Supports investment in infrastructure but emphasizes that it should not come at the cost of increased taxes or government overreach.
Advocates for internet freedom but supports measures to prevent the spread of content that he views as harmful to Christian values; critical of big tech's influence.
Supports improving care for veterans, particularly in mental health services; advocates for reforming the VA to ensure timely and effective care.
  • Honesty: Known for his strong convictions, but his controversial tactics and extreme positions have led to widespread criticism.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his supporters for his unwavering stance on abortion, but his approach has alienated many others.
  • Consistency: Consistent in his anti-abortion stance but has been criticized for his lack of flexibility on other issues.
  • Follow-Through: Has a long record of activism, but his extreme methods have limited his political success.
  • Accountability: Often doubles down on controversial positions rather than admitting faults, which has hurt his credibility with a broader audience.
  • Strong Anti-Abortion Stance: A leading voice in the pro-life movement, with a long history of advocating against abortion and defending the rights of the unborn.
  • Consistency and Conviction: Known for his unwavering commitment to his beliefs, particularly on issues related to Christian values.
  • Mobilizing Activism: Has successfully mobilized grassroots efforts around his causes, particularly in the anti-abortion movement.
  • Controversial Tactics: His extreme and confrontational tactics have alienated many voters and led to legal challenges.
  • Polarizing Figure: His rigid stance on issues like abortion and LGBTQ+ rights makes him a divisive figure, limiting his appeal to a broader electorate.
  • Limited Political Experience: While active in advocacy, his lack of experience in elected office and his controversial reputation have hindered his political career.
Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States, serving from 2017 to 2021. A businessman and television personality before entering politics, Trump is known for his unconventional and populist approach, with a focus on "America First" policies.
Opposes abortion rights; supports restricting abortion access and appointing conservative judges.
Advocates for tax cuts, especially for businesses and the wealthy; focuses on reducing regulations.
Focuses on law and order; critics argue his policies have negatively impacted minority communities.
Strong proponent of the death penalty and aggressive criminal justice policies.
Advocates for increased military spending and a strong national defense; emphasizes "peace through strength."
Focuses on combating the opioid crisis and strict enforcement of drug laws.
Prioritizes tax cuts, deregulation, and renegotiation of trade deals to boost the U.S. economy.
Supports school choice, including charter schools and vouchers; critics argue this undermines public education.
Strong supporter of fossil fuels and energy independence; rolled back numerous environmental regulations.
Focuses on deregulation, including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement; critics argue this harms environmental protections.
"America First" approach; focuses on renegotiating trade deals, reducing involvement in international agreements, and confronting China.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; opposes most gun control measures.
Opposes the Affordable Care Act; attempted to repeal it and replace with market-based alternatives.
Strong stance on border security, including building a wall; policies have focused on reducing both legal and illegal immigration.
Advocated for infrastructure investment, though his administration struggled to pass significant legislation.
Mixed views on technology; supports deregulation but critical of big tech companies, particularly on issues of censorship.
Advocated for reforms in veterans' care and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Honesty: Frequently criticized for making false or misleading statements.
  • Trustworthiness: Divisive figure, trusted by his base but widely distrusted by opponents.
  • Consistency: Known for shifting positions, particularly when politically advantageous.
  • Follow-Through: Some campaign promises were fulfilled, but many initiatives faced legal or legislative obstacles.
  • Accountability: Rarely admits fault; often blames others for setbacks or failures.
  • Strong Economy: Presided over a strong economy pre-pandemic, with significant tax cuts and deregulation.
  • Populist Appeal: Resonates with a large base of voters who feel disenfranchised by traditional politics.
  • America First: Focused on prioritizing American interests in trade, foreign policy, and immigration.
  • Division and Polarization: Widely criticized for increasing political and social divisions in the country.
  • Dishonesty: Accused of spreading misinformation and undermining public trust in institutions.
  • Handling of Key Issues: Criticized for handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign relations, and racial tensions.
Cornel West is a prominent philosopher, political activist, and public intellectual, known for his work in the fields of social justice, race relations, and democratic socialism. A former professor at Harvard and Princeton, West has been a vocal critic of neoliberalism and a staunch advocate for the poor and marginalized. He has run for political office as a Green Party candidate, emphasizing a platform of radical social change.
Strongly supports abortion rights and access to reproductive health care as part of a broader commitment to women's rights.
Advocates for significantly increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund social programs, education, and infrastructure; supports reducing military spending.
A lifelong advocate for civil rights, including racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and voting rights; supports ending mass incarceration and police reform.
Opposes the death penalty and supports comprehensive criminal justice reform focused on rehabilitation and addressing systemic inequalities.
Advocates for drastically reducing military spending and redirecting funds to social services and humanitarian aid; opposes U.S. military interventions abroad.
Supports the decriminalization of all drugs and the end of the war on drugs; emphasizes treatment and rehabilitation over punishment.
Advocates for a democratic socialist economy that prioritizes the needs of the poor and working class; supports wealth redistribution, universal basic income, and worker cooperatives.
Supports free public education from pre-K through college; advocates for canceling student debt and increasing funding for public schools.
Strong proponent of transitioning to 100% renewable energy by 2030; opposes fossil fuel extraction and nuclear power.
Environmental justice is central to his platform; advocates for aggressive climate action, conservation, and holding corporations accountable for environmental damage.
Promotes a foreign policy based on diplomacy, human rights, and international cooperation; opposes military interventions and advocates for global economic justice.
Supports stronger gun control measures, including universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and addressing the root causes of gun violence.
Advocates for Medicare for All, a single-payer health care system that provides universal coverage and controls costs; emphasizes the need to address health care inequities.
Supports comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and humane treatment of refugees; opposes detention centers and deportation policies.
Supports massive investment in sustainable infrastructure, including public transportation, green energy projects, and affordable housing as part of a Green New Deal.
Advocates for strong data privacy protections and net neutrality; supports breaking up large tech monopolies and regulating big tech companies to protect democracy.
Supports improving care for veterans, particularly in mental health services and housing; advocates for addressing the root causes of veteran homelessness and poverty.
  • Honesty: Known for his outspokenness and commitment to truth-telling, even when it challenges mainstream narratives.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his supporters for his consistent advocacy for the poor, marginalized, and oppressed.
  • Consistency: Consistent in his democratic socialist views, advocating for social justice and economic equality throughout his career.
  • Follow-Through: Has a long history of activism and academic work supporting his political positions, though his outsider status limits his political achievements.
  • Accountability: Holds himself accountable to his principles and often critiques himself and others within progressive movements.
  • Social Justice Leadership: A leading voice for racial justice, economic equality, and democratic socialism, with a long history of advocating for the marginalized.
  • Intellectual Rigor: Known for his deep intellectual contributions to discussions on democracy, social justice, and human rights.
  • Radical Change: Appeals to voters who are dissatisfied with incrementalism and seek transformative social and economic change.
  • Electability: His radical views and outsider status make it difficult for him to gain widespread political support within the current political system.
  • Controversial Positions: His criticisms of both major parties and some of his alliances have led to controversy and alienation from mainstream politics.
  • Limited Political Experience: While a respected academic and activist, his lack of experience in elected office raises questions about his ability to implement his platform.
withdrew 7/21/2024
Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States, with over five decades of experience in public service, including serving as Vice President under Barack Obama. Known for his centrist policies, Biden seeks to unify the country while addressing key domestic and global challenges.
Supports Roe v. Wade; advocates for codifying abortion rights into federal law.
Advocates for a balanced approach, including raising taxes on the wealthy and increasing spending on infrastructure.
Strong advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, racial equity, and voting rights protection.
Opposes the death penalty; supports criminal justice reform.
Supports maintaining a strong military while prioritizing diplomacy.
Advocates for decriminalizing marijuana and expunging records of those convicted of use.
Focus on economic recovery through infrastructure and green jobs.
Supports universal pre-K and free community college.
Strong advocate for clean energy and reducing fossil fuel dependence.
Prioritizes climate action and rejoining the Paris Agreement.
Advocates for rebuilding alliances and countering authoritarianism.
Supports expanded background checks and assault weapon bans.
Supports strengthening the Affordable Care Act and expanding Medicare.
Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship.
Supports major investments in infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and broadband.
Advocates for stronger data privacy laws and regulation of big tech companies.
Supports expanding veterans' health care and benefits.
  • Honesty: Generally viewed as honest, with a long history in public service.
  • Trustworthiness: Largely trusted by his base, though some critics question his transparency on certain issues.
  • Consistency: Has maintained consistent positions on many key issues, though has evolved on topics like same-sex marriage.
  • Follow-Through: Has made significant progress on campaign promises, though some initiatives, like student debt relief, face challenges.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for decisions, but has faced criticism for handling certain issues, such as the Afghanistan withdrawal.
  • Experience: Decades of experience in government, including serving as Vice President under Obama, give him deep knowledge of domestic and foreign policy.
  • Steadiness: Viewed as a stable leader who has brought calm and predictability after the tumultuous Trump years.
  • Focus on Unity: Emphasizes bipartisanship and has made efforts to work across the aisle, aiming to reduce political polarization.
  • Age and Health: Concerns about his age and cognitive abilities, with critics questioning his stamina and capability for another term.
  • Handling of Key Issues: Criticized for perceived mismanagement of issues like the withdrawal from Afghanistan and handling of inflation.
  • Progressive Discontent: Some on the left feel he hasn’t gone far enough on progressive issues like climate change, health care, and student debt forgiveness.
withdrew 1/10/2024
Chris Christie is the former Governor of New Jersey, serving from 2010 to 2018. A former U.S. Attorney and Republican presidential candidate in 2016, Christie is known for his blunt style, moderate conservative policies, and focus on bipartisanship. He gained national attention for his handling of Hurricane Sandy and his outspoken critiques of Donald Trump in recent years.
Opposes abortion but supports exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother; has expressed support for states setting their own abortion laws.
Advocates for balanced budgets, reducing government spending, and entitlement reform; emphasizes fiscal responsibility and debt reduction.
Supports civil rights but has been criticized for his stance on LGBTQ+ issues, including his initial opposition to same-sex marriage; later supported anti-discrimination laws.
Supports the death penalty and has advocated for tough-on-crime policies, including increased funding for law enforcement.
Advocates for a strong national defense and increased military spending; supports U.S. leadership in global affairs and maintaining military alliances.
Supports strict drug enforcement policies but has also championed drug rehabilitation and treatment programs; opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana.
Focuses on tax cuts, deregulation, and promoting business growth; opposes excessive government intervention in the economy.
Advocates for school choice, including charter schools and vouchers; supports reforms to improve public education and reduce federal involvement.
Supports energy independence through increased domestic oil and gas production; advocates for an all-of-the-above energy approach, including nuclear power.
Advocates for environmental protection but prioritizes economic growth; supports market-based solutions to environmental challenges and opposes excessive regulation.
Supports a strong U.S. presence in global affairs, including maintaining alliances and confronting adversaries like China and Russia; advocates for a robust national security strategy.
Supports Second Amendment rights but has backed some gun control measures, including background checks and limits on high-capacity magazines.
Opposes the Affordable Care Act but supports market-based reforms to increase competition and reduce costs; advocates for protecting Medicare and Medicaid.
Supports comprehensive immigration reform, including border security and a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants; opposes blanket amnesty.
Advocates for significant investment in infrastructure, particularly transportation and broadband; supports public-private partnerships to fund projects.
Supports strong data privacy protections and regulations to prevent tech monopolies; advocates for ensuring free speech online while addressing harmful content.
Strong supporter of veterans; advocates for improving health care, job training, and mental health services for veterans.
  • Honesty: Known for his directness and willingness to take responsibility, though his involvement in the "Bridgegate" scandal has raised questions about his honesty.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his supporters for his tough, no-nonsense approach, but his political maneuvers and controversies have damaged his reputation among some voters.
  • Consistency: Generally consistent in his conservative views, though his positions have shifted on some issues like LGBTQ+ rights and gun control.
  • Follow-Through: Has a strong record of governance in New Jersey, implementing many of his campaign promises, though some initiatives were controversial.
  • Accountability: Often takes responsibility for his decisions but has been criticized for his handling of the "Bridgegate" scandal and other controversies.
  • Experienced Leader: As a former governor, U.S. Attorney, and presidential candidate, Christie has extensive experience in governance and law enforcement.
  • Bipartisanship: Known for his ability to work across the aisle, particularly during his time as governor, appealing to moderate and independent voters.
  • Strong on National Security: Advocates for a robust national defense and U.S. leadership on the global stage, aligning with traditional Republican values.
  • Controversial Past: The "Bridgegate" scandal and other controversies have tarnished his reputation, leading to questions about his integrity and electability.
  • Shifting Positions: Critics argue that Christie has shifted his positions on key issues, such as LGBTQ+ rights and gun control, which raises concerns about his consistency.
  • Perceived Opportunism: His shifting alliances, particularly his relationship with Donald Trump, have led to accusations of political opportunism, potentially alienating both Trump supporters and critics.
withdrew 1/21/2024
Ron DeSantis is the Governor of Florida and a prominent figure in the Republican Party. Known for his conservative policies and alignment with the "America First" agenda, DeSantis has gained national attention for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, education policies, and stance on cultural issues.
Opposes abortion; signed into law a ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest.
Advocates for balanced budgets, reducing government spending, and cutting taxes; focuses on fiscal conservatism at the state level.
Supports individual liberties but has been criticized for policies perceived as limiting LGBTQ+ rights and voting access; promotes "anti-woke" legislation.
Strong supporter of the death penalty and tough-on-crime policies; signed legislation making it easier to impose the death penalty in Florida.
Advocates for a strong national defense and increasing military spending; emphasizes support for veterans and active-duty military personnel.
Opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana; supports strict drug enforcement policies but has expanded access to medical marijuana in Florida.
Focuses on tax cuts, deregulation, and attracting businesses to Florida; promotes free-market principles and opposes government intervention in the economy.
Advocates for school choice, including vouchers for private and religious schools; opposes critical race theory and promotes conservative values in education.
Supports energy independence through domestic oil and gas production; opposes the Green New Deal and extensive regulation of the energy industry.
Supports environmental conservation but prioritizes economic growth; has been praised for efforts to restore the Everglades but criticized for not doing enough on climate change.
Aligns with "America First" principles; supports strong national defense and prioritizes U.S. interests in international relations.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; signed legislation allowing permitless carry in Florida and opposes most forms of gun control.
Opposes government-run health care; supports free-market solutions and has expanded telehealth and other health care options in Florida.
Supports strict immigration controls, including building a border wall; has implemented measures to transport migrants out of Florida and opposes sanctuary cities.
Advocates for investment in infrastructure projects, particularly those that support economic growth; has focused on improving transportation and hurricane resilience in Florida.
Critical of big tech companies, particularly regarding censorship and data privacy; supports regulations to protect free speech and individual privacy online.
Strong supporter of veterans; has implemented programs to expand job opportunities and health care for veterans in Florida.
  • Honesty: Generally viewed as direct and straightforward, though critics accuse him of political opportunism.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his base for standing firm on conservative principles, but his aggressive approach has raised concerns among moderates.
  • Consistency: Consistent in his conservative views, particularly on issues like education, immigration, and gun rights.
  • Follow-Through: Has successfully implemented many of his campaign promises in Florida, though his approach is often polarizing.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for his policies and actions, but his combative style can sometimes alienate opponents and allies alike.
  • Strong Conservative Leadership: Advocates for conservative principles across a range of issues, appealing to the Republican base and those dissatisfied with the status quo.
  • Effective Governance: Known for his effective governance in Florida, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and in implementing conservative policies.
  • National Profile: Gained a national profile as a leader of the conservative movement, positioning himself as a potential future presidential candidate.
  • Polarizing Figure: His aggressive style and "culture war" policies have made him a divisive figure, limiting his appeal to moderate and independent voters.
  • Controversial Policies: Critics argue that his policies on issues like education, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration are too extreme and undermine civil liberties.
  • Focus on National Ambitions: Accused of prioritizing his national political ambitions over the needs of Floridians, particularly in his handling of certain state issues.
withdrew 3/6/2024
Nikki Haley is the former Governor of South Carolina (2011-2017) and served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2018. Known for her strong conservative values, Haley has been a prominent voice in the Republican Party, advocating for free markets, strong national defense, and limited government.
Opposes abortion, supports restrictions with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother; advocates for states' rights to determine abortion laws.
Advocates for balanced budgets, reducing government spending, and entitlement reform; supports tax cuts to stimulate economic growth.
Supports civil rights and has emphasized the importance of unity and anti-discrimination; as Governor, led the removal of the Confederate flag from South Carolina's statehouse.
Supports the death penalty and tough-on-crime policies; has advocated for law and order, particularly in response to violent crime.
Advocates for a strong national defense, increasing military spending, and maintaining U.S. leadership on the global stage; supports confronting adversaries like China and Russia.
Supports strict drug enforcement policies and opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana; advocates for rehabilitation and treatment programs.
Focuses on tax cuts, deregulation, and promoting business growth; supports free-market principles and opposes excessive government intervention in the economy.
Advocates for school choice, including vouchers for private and religious schools; supports reforms to improve public education and reduce federal involvement.
Supports energy independence through increased domestic oil and gas production; advocates for an all-of-the-above energy approach, including nuclear power and renewables.
Advocates for environmental protection but prioritizes economic growth; supports market-based solutions to environmental challenges and opposes excessive regulation.
Strong proponent of U.S. leadership in global affairs; advocates for a robust national security strategy and confronting authoritarian regimes; supports strengthening alliances.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; opposes most gun control measures, believing they infringe on individual liberties; supports common-sense solutions to gun violence.
Opposes the Affordable Care Act; supports market-based health care reforms, including expanding health savings accounts and promoting competition among insurers.
Advocates for strong border security and opposes sanctuary cities; supports merit-based immigration reform and a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants who meet specific criteria.
Supports significant investment in infrastructure, particularly in transportation and broadband; advocates for public-private partnerships to fund projects.
Supports strong data privacy protections and regulations to prevent tech monopolies; advocates for ensuring free speech online while addressing harmful content.
Strong advocate for veterans; supports improving health care, job training, and mental health services for veterans; has focused on reducing veteran homelessness.
  • Honesty: Generally viewed as honest and direct, though some critics argue she has shifted her positions for political gain.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by her supporters for standing firm on conservative principles, but her shifts in stance on issues like Donald Trump have raised concerns among some.
  • Consistency: Generally consistent in her conservative views, though her positions on certain issues have evolved over time.
  • Follow-Through: Has a strong record of governance in South Carolina and at the UN, implementing many of her policies effectively.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for her decisions and actions, but her political maneuvers have sometimes raised questions about her motivations.
  • Experienced Leader: As a former governor and U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Haley has extensive experience in governance and international relations.
  • Strong on National Security: Advocates for a robust national defense and U.S. leadership on the global stage, aligning with traditional Republican values.
  • Bipartisanship: Known for her ability to work across the aisle, particularly during her time as governor, appealing to moderate and independent voters.
  • Shifting Positions: Critics argue that Haley has shifted her positions on key issues, such as her relationship with Donald Trump, raising concerns about her consistency.
  • Political Ambition: Some view her as overly ambitious, prioritizing her political career over principled stances.
  • Balancing Act: Her attempts to appeal to both Trump supporters and critics have led to accusations of trying to "play both sides," potentially alienating both groups.
Robert F.
Kennedy Jr.
withdrew 8/23/2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental lawyer, author, and activist, known for his strong advocacy for environmental protection and vaccine safety. The son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, he has a long history of public service, though his stances on certain issues, particularly vaccines, have been highly controversial.
Supports abortion rights but has emphasized the need for policies that reduce the need for abortions.
Advocates for reducing the national debt and implementing more efficient government spending, with a focus on cutting military expenditures.
Strong advocate for civil liberties, including freedom of speech and protection against government overreach; critical of policies that he views as infringing on personal freedoms.
Opposes the death penalty; supports criminal justice reform focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment.
Advocates for reducing military spending and prioritizing diplomacy and conflict resolution over military interventions.
Supports decriminalizing marijuana and shifting the focus of drug policy from punishment to treatment.
Emphasizes economic justice, supporting policies that reduce income inequality and promote sustainable development.
Supports public education and opposes the privatization of schools; advocates for increased funding for education and equitable access.
Strong advocate for renewable energy and transitioning away from fossil fuels; opposes nuclear energy.
Longtime environmental activist; advocates for aggressive climate action, conservation, and holding corporations accountable for pollution.
Promotes diplomacy and multilateralism; critical of U.S. military interventions and advocates for a more restrained foreign policy.
Supports common-sense gun control measures, including background checks and restrictions on assault weapons, while also respecting Second Amendment rights.
Advocates for universal health care but is highly critical of pharmaceutical companies and vaccine mandates; emphasizes holistic and preventive health care approaches.
Supports comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, while also emphasizing border security.
Advocates for sustainable infrastructure development, with a focus on public transportation and green energy.
Critical of big tech companies' influence and data privacy issues; advocates for stronger regulations to protect individual freedoms.
Supports improving veterans' health care and benefits, with a focus on mental health and rehabilitation services.
  • Honesty: Known for being outspoken and direct, though his controversial views on vaccines have led to widespread criticism.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his base, particularly on environmental issues, but widely distrusted on health-related matters due to his stance on vaccines.
  • Consistency: Consistent in his advocacy for environmental causes, but his views on vaccines have overshadowed his other positions.
  • Follow-Through: Has a strong record of environmental activism but has faced challenges in gaining broader political support.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for his positions but is often criticized for spreading misinformation, particularly on vaccines.
  • Environmental Leadership: A lifelong environmental advocate, he has a strong record of fighting for conservation and climate action.
  • Civil Liberties: Emphasizes the protection of civil liberties, including freedom of speech and opposition to government overreach.
  • Populist Appeal: Appeals to those who feel alienated by mainstream politics, particularly on issues of government transparency and corporate influence.
  • Controversial Views: His anti-vaccine stance has alienated many voters and overshadowed his other policy positions.
  • Lack of Political Experience: While he has a strong background in activism, his lack of experience in elected office raises questions about his ability to govern.
  • Polarizing Figure: His positions, particularly on health care and vaccines, have made him a divisive figure, limiting his appeal to a broader electorate.
withdrew 10/28/2023
Mike Pence is the former Vice President of the United States (2017-2021) and served as the Governor of Indiana from 2013 to 2017. A staunch conservative, Pence is known for his strong Christian values, advocacy for limited government, and support for traditional Republican policies. He played a key role in the Trump administration but has since distanced himself due to his stance on the certification of the 2020 election results.
Strongly opposes abortion; supports a federal ban on abortions after 20 weeks and advocates for overturning Roe v. Wade.
Advocates for balanced budgets, reducing government spending, and entitlement reform; supports tax cuts and opposes raising the national debt ceiling without spending cuts.
Supports religious freedom and opposes policies he views as infringing on religious liberties; has been criticized for his stance on LGBTQ+ rights, particularly during his time as governor of Indiana.
Supports the death penalty and tough-on-crime policies; has advocated for law and order and increased funding for law enforcement.
Advocates for a strong national defense and increasing military spending; supports U.S. leadership in global affairs and maintaining military alliances.
Supports strict drug enforcement policies and opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana; advocates for rehabilitation and treatment programs for drug offenders.
Focuses on tax cuts, deregulation, and promoting business growth; supports free-market principles and opposes excessive government intervention in the economy.
Advocates for school choice, including vouchers for private and religious schools; supports reforms to improve public education and reduce federal involvement.
Supports energy independence through increased domestic oil and gas production; advocates for an all-of-the-above energy approach, including coal, nuclear, and renewables.
Advocates for environmental protection but prioritizes economic growth; supports market-based solutions to environmental challenges and opposes excessive regulation.
Supports a strong U.S. presence in global affairs, including maintaining alliances and confronting adversaries like China and Russia; advocates for a robust national security strategy.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; opposes most gun control measures, believing they infringe on individual liberties; supports measures to enhance school safety.
Opposes the Affordable Care Act; supports market-based health care reforms, including expanding health savings accounts and promoting competition among insurers.
Advocates for strong border security and opposes sanctuary cities; supports merit-based immigration reform and a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants who meet specific criteria.
Supports significant investment in infrastructure, particularly in transportation and broadband; advocates for public-private partnerships to fund projects.
Supports strong data privacy protections and regulations to prevent tech monopolies; advocates for ensuring free speech online while addressing harmful content.
Strong advocate for veterans; supports improving health care, job training, and mental health services for veterans; has focused on reducing veteran homelessness.
  • Honesty: Known for his commitment to his Christian values and a reputation for being straightforward, though his loyalty to Trump during his vice presidency has been both praised and criticized.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his supporters for his consistency in upholding conservative principles, but his relationship with Trump has led to mixed perceptions.
  • Consistency: Highly consistent in his conservative views, particularly on social issues, though his break with Trump over the 2020 election certification has defined his recent political stance.
  • Follow-Through: Has a strong record of governance in Indiana and as Vice President, implementing many of his policies effectively.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for his decisions and actions, particularly regarding his stance on the 2020 election, which has both bolstered and strained his political relationships.
  • Experienced Leader: As a former governor and Vice President, Pence has extensive experience in governance and legislative affairs.
  • Strong Conservative Values: Advocates for traditional conservative principles, including limited government, fiscal responsibility, and strong national defense.
  • Integrity on Election Certification: Stood by his constitutional duties during the certification of the 2020 election results, earning respect from some for upholding the rule of law.
  • Controversial Relationship with Trump: His loyalty to Trump during most of his vice presidency, followed by his break with Trump over the election certification, has left him in a politically precarious position.
  • Perceived Lack of Charisma: Critics argue that Pence lacks the charisma and populist appeal that other Republican figures have, which could hinder his ability to galvanize support.
  • Balancing Act: His attempts to balance loyalty to Trump with his own principles have led to accusations of political opportunism, potentially alienating both Trump supporters and critics.
withdrew 1/15/2024
Vivek Ramaswamy is an entrepreneur, author, and political commentator known for his strong advocacy of free markets and his critique of "woke" culture in corporate America. A first-time political candidate, Ramaswamy has built his campaign on a platform of restoring American values, reducing government intervention, and promoting individual freedoms.
Opposes abortion, supports restrictions with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother; advocates for states' rights to determine abortion laws.
Advocates for reducing government spending, balancing the federal budget, and implementing tax cuts to stimulate economic growth; supports entitlement reform.
Supports individual liberties and opposes policies he views as infringing on freedom of speech and religion; critical of affirmative action and other forms of identity-based policies.
Supports the death penalty for severe crimes and advocates for tough-on-crime policies; emphasizes the importance of law and order.
Advocates for a strong national defense and increasing military spending; supports U.S. leadership in global affairs and a robust national security strategy.
Opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana; supports strict drug enforcement policies but also advocates for rehabilitation and treatment for non-violent offenders.
Strong advocate for free-market principles, reducing regulations, and lowering taxes; emphasizes the need to reduce government intervention in the economy.
Advocates for school choice, including vouchers for private and religious schools; opposes federal involvement in education and supports reforms to empower parents.
Supports energy independence through increased domestic oil and gas production; opposes the Green New Deal and advocates for an all-of-the-above energy approach.
Critical of the current environmental regulatory framework; advocates for market-based solutions to environmental challenges and opposes excessive government regulation.
Supports a strong U.S. presence in global affairs, prioritizing American interests; advocates for confronting adversaries like China and reducing dependency on foreign supply chains.
Strong advocate for Second Amendment rights; opposes most gun control measures, emphasizing the need to protect individual liberties and the right to self-defense.
Opposes government-run health care systems; advocates for market-based health care reforms, including price transparency and reducing regulations on health care providers.
Supports strong border security and merit-based immigration reform; opposes sanctuary cities and advocates for a streamlined legal immigration process.
Advocates for significant investment in infrastructure, particularly in technology and transportation; supports public-private partnerships to fund projects.
Supports strong data privacy protections and opposes tech monopolies; advocates for ensuring free speech online and protecting individual rights from big tech overreach.
Strong advocate for veterans; supports improving health care, job training, and mental health services for veterans, with a focus on reducing veteran homelessness.
  • Honesty: Known for his outspoken nature and willingness to challenge the status quo, though his rapid rise and outsider status have led to scrutiny of his motivations.
  • Trustworthiness: Trusted by his supporters for his commitment to free-market principles and opposition to "woke" culture, but his lack of political experience raises questions among critics.
  • Consistency: Generally consistent in his advocacy for conservative economic policies, though his positions on some social issues are still evolving.
  • Follow-Through: Has a strong record in the private sector, though his ability to translate that success into political leadership remains untested.
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for his views and actions, often engaging directly with critics, but his outsider status means he has less of a track record in public service to assess.
  • Strong Free-Market Advocate: Emphasizes the importance of reducing government intervention and promoting individual freedom, appealing to conservatives and libertarians.
  • Outsider Perspective: As a successful entrepreneur, Ramaswamy brings a fresh perspective to politics, positioning himself as a disruptor of the status quo.
  • Vocal Critic of "Woke" Culture: His critique of "woke" culture in corporate America resonates with many conservatives who feel alienated by recent cultural shifts.
  • Lack of Political Experience: Critics argue that his lack of experience in elected office could hinder his ability to effectively govern and implement his policies.
  • Controversial Views: His outspoken nature and criticism of established norms have made him a polarizing figure, potentially limiting his appeal to a broader electorate.
  • Unproven in Public Sector: While successful in the private sector, his ability to navigate the complexities of public policy and government remains untested.
John F.
John F. Kennedy, often referred to as JFK, was the 35th President of the United States, serving from January 20, 1961, until his assassination on November 22, 1963. Born on May 29, 1917, into a prominent political family, Kennedy was a decorated Navy veteran during World War II and served as a U.S. Congressman and Senator from Massachusetts before winning the presidency. His administration is remembered for navigating the Cold War, particularly the Cuban Missile Crisis, and for advocating civil rights and space exploration. JFK is also known for his "New Frontier" domestic agenda, which aimed to address economic inequality and social injustice. His assassination in Dallas, Texas, in 1963 shocked the nation and solidified his legacy as one of America's most iconic leaders.
Abortion was not a political issue during Kennedy’s presidency, as it remained illegal in most states and wasn't widely discussed in public policy.
Kennedy advocated for tax cuts to stimulate economic growth and strengthen the middle class. His administration worked on balancing spending with economic investment, believing in the power of private investment to drive economic growth. His tax policy laid the groundwork for economic expansion in the 1960s.
Kennedy initially took a cautious approach to civil rights but later made it a central issue of his administration, supporting desegregation and introducing the Civil Rights Act of 1963. His push for racial equality was a significant part of his legacy, though he faced considerable opposition from Southern lawmakers.
Crime and the death penalty were not significant policy concerns during Kennedy’s presidency. His focus was more on addressing organized crime, particularly through his brother Robert F. Kennedy’s role as Attorney General.
Kennedy expanded the military and was a staunch advocate for a strong defense. He is perhaps best known for his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, where he demonstrated diplomatic skill in avoiding nuclear war with the Soviet Union while maintaining a firm stance.
Drug policy was not a major issue during JFK's presidency, but his administration supported efforts to address rising concerns about narcotics use, though the “War on Drugs” would not become a central policy until later administrations.
JFK implemented a "New Frontier" economic agenda focused on stimulating the economy through government investment in education, infrastructure, and technology, while also supporting tax cuts to encourage private investment. His administration marked the beginning of sustained economic growth in the 1960s.
JFK strongly supported federal aid for education, including higher education and vocational training, though many of his initiatives were stalled by Congress. His administration laid the groundwork for the later educational reforms of the 1960s.
Energy policy was not a central focus during Kennedy’s presidency, though his administration supported the development of nuclear energy as part of broader technological advancement.
Kennedy laid the groundwork for environmental conservation, including expanding national parks and supporting efforts to preserve natural resources, though environmentalism as we know it today was not a major issue at the time.
Kennedy’s foreign policy was defined by his handling of the Cold War, particularly the Cuban Missile Crisis and the establishment of the Peace Corps. He balanced diplomacy and defense, seeking to prevent nuclear conflict while supporting anti-communist policies globally.
Gun control was not a significant issue during Kennedy’s presidency, and there is no record of him taking a firm stance on it. The public debate on gun regulation largely emerged in the decades after his assassination.
Kennedy supported the expansion of health care coverage, particularly for the elderly, and laid the groundwork for Medicare. He also supported mental health initiatives, though his plans were not fully realized during his presidency.
Kennedy supported modernizing the immigration system and eliminating the quota system, which favored certain nationalities over others. His administration laid the groundwork for the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, passed after his death.
Kennedy supported infrastructure development as part of his "New Frontier" agenda, focusing on transportation, communication, and urban renewal projects.
JFK was a strong supporter of technological innovation, especially in space exploration. He famously set the goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s, which led to the success of the Apollo missions.
Kennedy supported expanding benefits for veterans, particularly through educational and housing opportunities. His administration worked to improve services for veterans returning from World War II and the Korean War.
  • Honesty: JFK is generally regarded as a charismatic and forthright leader, although aspects of his private life, such as his health issues and extramarital affairs, were concealed from the public at the time.
  • Trustworthiness: Kennedy's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis and his commitment to civil rights demonstrate his trustworthiness, though some critics argue his private conduct contrasted with his public image.
  • Consistency: JFK’s policy priorities remained consistent throughout his presidency, particularly in areas like civil rights, the economy, and Cold War diplomacy.
  • Follow-Through: Kennedy was effective in laying the groundwork for many significant policy changes, but his assassination in 1963 prevented the full realization of his legislative agenda.
  • Accountability: Kennedy took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs invasion failure, which bolstered his credibility, and he worked to make amends through subsequent successful policies.
  • Charismatic Leadership: JFK’s ability to inspire and connect with Americans, particularly through his speeches, helped him navigate a tumultuous time in U.S. history.
  • Crisis Management: His deft handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis is often cited as an example of superior crisis management that prevented nuclear war.
  • Commitment to Civil Rights: Though initially cautious, JFK became a strong advocate for civil rights, laying the groundwork for significant progress on racial equality.
  • Inconsistent Support for Civil Rights: While he eventually championed civil rights, Kennedy was initially slow to act on racial equality, possibly for political reasons.
  • Personal Conduct: JFK’s extramarital affairs and the concealment of his serious health issues have led to critiques about his honesty in his personal life.
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He led the country through the Civil War, preserved the Union, and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared the freedom of slaves in Confederate states. Lincoln is widely regarded as one of America’s greatest presidents, known for his leadership, oratory, and efforts to end slavery and promote equality.
Abortion was not a publicly discussed issue in Lincoln's time, as it was not part of the political landscape during the 19th century. Therefore, there is no historical record of his position on the matter.
Lincoln supported a strong national economy with federal investments, especially in infrastructure (like railroads) and military spending during the Civil War. He introduced progressive taxation (the first income tax) to fund the war.
Lincoln’s legacy is built on his fight for civil rights, most notably through the abolition of slavery via the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment. He also believed that freed slaves should have basic civil rights, although he initially held more conservative views on full racial equality.
While there is no record of Lincoln opposing the death penalty directly, he was known for being compassionate and pardoning Union soldiers sentenced to death for desertion during the Civil War.
Lincoln significantly expanded the powers of the presidency during the Civil War, assuming extraordinary war powers to preserve the Union. His commitment to preserving the Union came with substantial military action and defense strategies.
There was no national policy or discussion on drug regulation during Lincoln’s time, and thus there is no record of his stance on this issue.
Lincoln promoted federal infrastructure projects, supported tariffs to protect American industries, and introduced the first income tax to support the Union war effort. He also supported the creation of a national banking system to stabilize the economy during the war.
Lincoln valued education and was largely self-educated. Though his presidency did not focus on education reform, he personally advocated for literacy and education as a means to self-improvement.
Energy policy was not a political issue in Lincoln’s era, so there is no direct stance on this issue. However, industrial growth during his presidency required the expansion of coal and steam energy, vital to 19th-century infrastructure.
Lincoln created the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862, showing concern for land and agricultural development. Environmentalism, as we know it today, was not a prominent issue in his time.
Lincoln’s foreign policy was largely focused on preventing European powers, especially Britain and France, from recognizing the Confederacy as an independent nation. His strategy was to keep foreign powers neutral in the Civil War.
Gun regulation was not a significant political issue in Lincoln’s time. Firearms were widely used for both defense and warfare, particularly during the Civil War.
Health care as a public issue did not exist in Lincoln’s era. However, during the Civil War, he authorized the creation of new hospitals for wounded soldiers and supported innovations in battlefield medicine.
Lincoln supported immigration and welcomed immigrants, believing they were essential to the nation’s economic and agricultural growth. The Homestead Act encouraged immigrant settlement in the West.
Lincoln was a strong supporter of infrastructure development. The Pacific Railway Act of 1862 facilitated the construction of the first transcontinental railroad, which was vital to the country’s expansion and economic growth.
Lincoln embraced technological innovations. He was the first president to use the telegraph for military communications and supported technological advancements in agriculture and transportation.
Although Lincoln did not establish a formal veterans’ system, he was deeply concerned with the welfare of Union soldiers and their families. He signed legislation to provide pensions for disabled soldiers and war widows.
  • Honesty: Widely regarded for his honesty, earning him the nickname "Honest Abe."
  • Trustworthiness: Lincoln is viewed as a leader who made difficult decisions for the greater good, especially during the Civil War.
  • Consistency: Lincoln remained consistent in his defense of the Union and his gradual movement toward abolitionism.
  • Follow-Through: Lincoln effectively guided the country through the Civil War, delivered the Emancipation Proclamation, and pursued the 13th Amendment.
  • Accountability: Despite political opposition, Lincoln took full responsibility for his decisions, including controversial measures like suspending habeas corpus.
  • Abolition of Slavery: Lincoln’s leadership was crucial in ending slavery and enacting the 13th Amendment.
  • Preserved the Union: He kept the United States together during the Civil War, preventing secession and ensuring its survival as a unified nation.
  • Democratic Values: Lincoln respected the democratic process, allowing the South to re-enter the Union with dignity post-war.
  • Executive Overreach: Critics argue that Lincoln expanded presidential powers too far, especially by suspending habeas corpus and controlling the press during the Civil War.
  • Slow Movement on Slavery: Some argue that Lincoln was initially cautious about taking aggressive action against slavery, focusing more on preserving the Union than on immediate abolition.
  • Wartime Policies: His war tactics and scorched-earth policies, particularly Sherman's March to the Sea, led to considerable destruction and suffering in the South.
Kamala Harris on Abortion
Kamala Harris on Budget
Kamala Harris on Civil Rights
Kamala Harris on Crime/Death Penalty
Kamala Harris on Defense
Kamala Harris on Drugs
Kamala Harris on Economy
Kamala Harris on Education
Kamala Harris on Energy
Kamala Harris on Environment
Kamala Harris on Foreign Policy
Kamala Harris on Gun Control
Kamala Harris on Health Care
Kamala Harris on Immigration
Kamala Harris on Infrastructure
Kamala Harris on Technology
Kamala Harris on Veterans' Affairs
Chase Oliver on Abortion
Chase Oliver on Budget
Chase Oliver on Civil Rights
Chase Oliver on Crime/Death Penalty
Chase Oliver on Defense
Chase Oliver on Drugs
Chase Oliver on Economy
Chase Oliver on Education
Chase Oliver on Energy
Chase Oliver on Environment
Chase Oliver on Foreign Policy
Chase Oliver on Gun Control
Chase Oliver on Health Care
Chase Oliver on Immigration
Chase Oliver on Infrastructure
Chase Oliver on Technology
Chase Oliver on Veterans' Affairs
Jill Stein on Abortion
Jill Stein on Budget
Jill Stein on Civil Rights
Jill Stein on Crime/Death Penalty
Jill Stein on Defense
Jill Stein on Drugs
Jill Stein on Economy
Jill Stein on Education
Jill Stein on Energy
Jill Stein on Environment
Jill Stein on Foreign Policy
Jill Stein on Gun Control
Jill Stein on Health Care
Jill Stein on Immigration
Jill Stein on Infrastructure
Jill Stein on Technology
Jill Stein on Veterans' Affairs
Randall Terry on Abortion
Randall Terry on Budget
Randall Terry on Civil Rights
Randall Terry on Crime/Death Penalty
Randall Terry on Defense
Randall Terry on Drugs
Randall Terry on Economy
Randall Terry on Education
Randall Terry on Energy
Randall Terry on Environment
Randall Terry on Foreign Policy
Randall Terry on Gun Control
Randall Terry on Health Care
Randall Terry on Immigration
Randall Terry on Infrastructure
Randall Terry on Technology
Randall Terry on Veterans' Affairs
Donald Trump on Abortion
Donald Trump on Budget
Donald Trump on Civil Rights
Donald Trump on Crime/Death Penalty
Donald Trump on Defense
Donald Trump on Drugs
Donald Trump on Economy
Donald Trump on Education
Donald Trump on Energy
Donald Trump on Environment
Donald Trump on Foreign Policy
Donald Trump on Gun Control
Donald Trump on Health Care
Donald Trump on Immigration
Donald Trump on Infrastructure
Donald Trump on Technology
Donald Trump on Veterans' Affairs
Cornel West on Abortion
Cornel West on Budget
Cornel West on Civil Rights
Cornel West on Crime/Death Penalty
Cornel West on Defense
Cornel West on Drugs
Cornel West on Economy
Cornel West on Education
Cornel West on Energy
Cornel West on Environment
Cornel West on Foreign Policy
Cornel West on Gun Control
Cornel West on Health Care
Cornel West on Immigration
Cornel West on Infrastructure
Cornel West on Technology
Cornel West on Veterans' Affairs
Joe Biden on Abortion
Joe Biden on Budget
Joe Biden on Civil Rights
Joe Biden on Crime/Death Penalty
Joe Biden on Defense
Joe Biden on Drugs
Joe Biden on Economy
Joe Biden on Education
Joe Biden on Energy
Joe Biden on Environment
Joe Biden on Foreign Policy
Joe Biden on Gun Control
Joe Biden on Health Care
Joe Biden on Immigration
Joe Biden on Infrastructure
Joe Biden on Technology
Joe Biden on Veterans' Affairs
Chris Christie on Abortion
Chris Christie on Budget
Chris Christie on Civil Rights
Chris Christie on Crime/Death Penalty
Chris Christie on Defense
Chris Christie on Drugs
Chris Christie on Economy
Chris Christie on Education
Chris Christie on Energy
Chris Christie on Environment
Chris Christie on Foreign Policy
Chris Christie on Gun Control
Chris Christie on Health Care
Chris Christie on Immigration
Chris Christie on Infrastructure
Chris Christie on Technology
Chris Christie on Veterans' Affairs
Ron DeSantis on Abortion
Ron DeSantis on Budget
Ron DeSantis on Civil Rights
Ron DeSantis on Crime/Death Penalty
Ron DeSantis on Defense
Ron DeSantis on Drugs
Ron DeSantis on Economy
Ron DeSantis on Education
Ron DeSantis on Energy
Ron DeSantis on Environment
Ron DeSantis on Foreign Policy
Ron DeSantis on Gun Control
Ron DeSantis on Health Care
Ron DeSantis on Immigration
Ron DeSantis on Infrastructure
Ron DeSantis on Technology
Ron DeSantis on Veterans' Affairs
Nikki Haley on Abortion
Nikki Haley on Budget
Nikki Haley on Civil Rights
Nikki Haley on Crime/Death Penalty
Nikki Haley on Defense
Nikki Haley on Drugs
Nikki Haley on Economy
Nikki Haley on Education
Nikki Haley on Energy
Nikki Haley on Environment
Nikki Haley on Foreign Policy
Nikki Haley on Gun Control
Nikki Haley on Health Care
Nikki Haley on Immigration
Nikki Haley on Infrastructure
Nikki Haley on Technology
Nikki Haley on Veterans' Affairs
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Abortion
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Budget
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Civil Rights
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Crime/Death Penalty
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Defense
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Drugs
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Economy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Education
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Energy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Environment
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Foreign Policy
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Gun Control
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Health Care
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Immigration
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Infrastructure
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Technology
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Veterans' Affairs
Mike Pence on Abortion
Mike Pence on Budget
Mike Pence on Civil Rights
Mike Pence on Crime/Death Penalty
Mike Pence on Defense
Mike Pence on Drugs
Mike Pence on Economy
Mike Pence on Education
Mike Pence on Energy
Mike Pence on Environment
Mike Pence on Foreign Policy
Mike Pence on Gun Control
Mike Pence on Health Care
Mike Pence on Immigration
Mike Pence on Infrastructure
Mike Pence on Technology
Mike Pence on Veterans' Affairs
Vivek Ramaswamy on Abortion
Vivek Ramaswamy on Budget
Vivek Ramaswamy on Civil Rights
Vivek Ramaswamy on Crime/Death Penalty
Vivek Ramaswamy on Defense
Vivek Ramaswamy on Drugs
Vivek Ramaswamy on Economy
Vivek Ramaswamy on Education
Vivek Ramaswamy on Energy
Vivek Ramaswamy on Environment
Vivek Ramaswamy on Foreign Policy
Vivek Ramaswamy on Gun Control
Vivek Ramaswamy on Health Care
Vivek Ramaswamy on Immigration
Vivek Ramaswamy on Infrastructure
Vivek Ramaswamy on Technology
Vivek Ramaswamy on Veterans' Affairs
John F. Kennedy on Abortion
John F. Kennedy on Budget
John F. Kennedy on Civil Rights
John F. Kennedy on Crime/Death Penalty
John F. Kennedy on Defense
John F. Kennedy on Drugs
John F. Kennedy on Economy
John F. Kennedy on Education
John F. Kennedy on Energy
John F. Kennedy on Environment
John F. Kennedy on Foreign Policy
John F. Kennedy on Gun Control
John F. Kennedy on Health Care
John F. Kennedy on Immigration
John F. Kennedy on Infrastructure
John F. Kennedy on Technology
John F. Kennedy on Veterans' Affairs
Abraham Lincoln on Abortion
Abraham Lincoln on Budget
Abraham Lincoln on Civil Rights
Abraham Lincoln on Crime/Death Penalty
Abraham Lincoln on Defense
Abraham Lincoln on Drugs
Abraham Lincoln on Economy
Abraham Lincoln on Education
Abraham Lincoln on Energy
Abraham Lincoln on Environment
Abraham Lincoln on Foreign Policy
Abraham Lincoln on Gun Control
Abraham Lincoln on Health Care
Abraham Lincoln on Immigration
Abraham Lincoln on Infrastructure
Abraham Lincoln on Technology
Abraham Lincoln on Veterans' Affairs